Frm here:
# # Author: Scott Jaworski # Website: # Version: 1.0 # Description: This script sets internal and external URL's on the specified Exchange 2013 Client Access Server # then displays the results of all the urls that have been set. # How to Use: Copy the text file to a location on the Exchange server. Change the .txt extension to .ps1, # Open Exchange Management Shell, Browse to the location of the script in EMS, Run .Set-Exchange2013Vdirs # Function Set-Exchange2013Vdirs { $ExServer = Read-Host "Please enter the Exchange 2013 Server Name you'd like to set Vdirs " $InternalName = Read-Host "Input the internal domain name eg.. " $ExternalName = Read-Host "Input the external domain name eg. " Write-Host "Configuring Directories for $ExServer.." -Foregroundcolor Green Get-WebservicesVirtualDirectory -Server $ExServer | Set-WebservicesVirtualDirectory -InternalURL https://$InternalName/EWS/Exchange.asmx -ExternalURL https://$externalName/EWS/Exchange.asmx Get-OwaVirtualDirectory -Server $ExServer | Set-OwaVirtualDirectory -InternalURL https://$InternalName/owa -ExternalURL https://$ExternalName/owa Get-ecpVirtualDirectory -Server $ExServer | Set-ecpVirtualDirectory -InternalURL https://$InternalName/ecp -ExternalURL https://$ExternalName/ecp Get-ActiveSyncVirtualDirectory -Server $ExServer | Set-ActiveSyncVirtualDirectory -InternalURL https://$InternalName/Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync -ExternalURL https://$ExternalName/Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync Get-OABVirtualDirectory -Server $ExServer | Set-OABVirtualDirectory -InternalUrl https://$InternalName/OAB -ExternalURL https://$ExternalName/OAB Set-ClientAccessServer $ExServer -AutodiscoverServiceInternalUri https://$internalName/Autodiscover/Autodiscover.xml Set-OutlookAnywhere -Identity "$ExServerRpc (Default Web Site)" -InternalHostname $internalName -ExternalHostName $ExternalName -InternalClientAuthenticationMethod ntlm -InternalClientsRequireSsl:$True -ExternalClientAuthenticationMethod Basic -ExternalClientsRequireSsl:$True Write-Host "Vdirs have been set to the following.." -Foregroundcolor Green Write-Host "$ExServer EWS" Get-WebservicesVirtualDirectory -Server $ExServer |Fl internalURL,ExternalURL Write-Host "$ExServer OWA" Get-OWAVirtualDirectory -Server $ExServer | Fl internalUrl,ExternalURL Write-Host "$ExServer ECP" Get-ECPVirtualDirectory -Server $ExServer | Fl InternalURL,ExternalURL Write-Host "$ExServer ActiveSync" Get-ActiveSyncVirtualDirectory -Server $ExServer | Fl InternalURL,ExternalURL Write-Host "$ExServer OAB" Get-OABVirtualDirectory -Server $ExServer | Fl InternalURL,ExternalURL Write-Host "$ExServer Internal Autodiscover URL" Get-ClientAccessServer $ExServer | Fl AutodiscoverServiceInternalUri Write-Host "$Exserver Outlook Anywhere Settings" Get-OutlookAnywhere -Identity "$ExServerrpc (Default Web Site)" |fl internalhostname,internalclientauthenticationmethod,internalclientsrequiressl,externalhostname,externalclientauthenticationmethod,externalclientsrequiressl Write-Host "The Powershell URL have not been set as part of this script. Set it if you choose" -ForegroundColor Yellow } Set-Exchange2013Vdirs