A couple of great resources for Developer Cheat Sheets

Here are a couple of great sites that supply cheat sheets





Here are a couple of specific links to cheat sheets



And here are a bunch of cheat sheets all in one place for you to grab 🙂


aspnet-lifecycle-events-poster.pdf (60.92 kb)

aspnet-lifecycle-events-poster.png (96.79 kb)

aspnet-mvc-lifecycle-poster.pdf (489.01 kb)

css-v2-cheat-sheet.pdf (315.28 kb)

dotnet-string-formatting-cheet-sheet.pdf (123.71 kb)

HTML5-cheat-sheet.pdf (148.82 kb)

html-character-entities-cheat-sheet.pdf (958.89 kb)

javascript-cheat-sheet-v1.pdf (452.93 kb)

jquery-1.4-cheat-sheet.pdf (436.00 kb)

jquery-1.6-cheat-sheet.pdf (347.90 kb)

linq-cheat-sheet.doc (69.00 kb)

microformats-cheat-sheet.pdf (603.49 kb)

msajax-client-lifecycle-events-cheat-sheet.pdf (101.83 kb)

python-cheat-sheet.pdf (388.90 kb)

regular-expressions-cheat-sheet.pdf (647.55 kb)

rgb-hex-cheat-sheet.pdf (198.65 kb)

ruby-on-rails-cheat-sheet.pdf (752.11 kb)

sql-server-cheat-sheet.pdf (937.46 kb)

subversion-cheat-sheet.pdf (292.49 kb)

wpf-cheat-sheet.pdf (38.51 kb)

xhtml-cheat-sheet.pdf (71.99 kb)